New construction apartments for sale in Haigerloch? shows housing projects in Germany and describes the locations with 'artificial intelligence'.

If you want to buy an apartment in Germany, new construction offers the highest investment security:

  • high energetic standards
  • contemporary layouts
  • legal warranty of 5 years
  • First occupancy and no investment backlog
  • more prospective tenants than apartments!

Here you can activate the new building alert or simply search for objects via the map.

Activate new building alarm

Stadt eintragen und aktuelle Projekte finden

What can do in new building sales?

Our core business is owner-occupiers and private capital investors.

For this purpose, we offer efficient and portal-independent lead generation, practical CRM processes and business management measures.

Since Fall 2022, the market has changed and the need for alternative audiences has grown. makes apartments internationally visible for different target groups and tests regional markets and special target groups.

Who finds an apartment via

  • German owner-occupiers and capital investors
  • International, private capital investors
  • Professionelle Investoren

Are informed by about the right apartments when an alarm has been set. prepares the data for digitale Investments (e.g. tokenization).

Inquiries from prospective buyers? Easier than ever:

  1. Specify address
  2. Upload visualization
  3. Ready

Artificial intelligence describes the location and translates the descriptions into the local languages of the target markets. These are promoted via social media campaigns and Google Ads.

Create test project (free of charge)

Further specifications are possible and improve the result. For example:

  • QM price leads to the specification of a gross rental yield. Projects from 5% are presented to private and professional investors (tokenizers).
  • KFW-40 offers are additionally advertised separately with funding focus.

To start, however, we only need a picture of the object.